As you might have already known, I'm currently doing a project entitled "Singapore Runner's Resource" with Kai Ming and Leon. We have recently created an online discussion forum, which will be an important component in our product.
In order for the judges to understand that we have put in a lot of effort and have done a lot of work, we will need a lot of people to post messages, so as to make the forum seem active. However, you will need to register before being able to do that. Therfore, can you people please help me by signing up as a member of the forum, and actively post things, which may include comments regarding the colour scheme or improvements that can be made to the website and forum. It need not be topics regarding long distance running in Singapore. You will understand what I mean after you have registered. Therefore, many of you can give us feedback through the forum. This is NOT AT ALL restricted to runners. The website can be accessed via, and the forum can be accessed from
Please feel free to post any comment on the forum. Thank you all for your help in making the project a success.
4:24 am
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